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 We have created merchandise which will be available for sale on our website, I shall publish the website address later down the line. Selling merchandise online is a golden opportunity, especially because our fans are drawn towards 'Savannah' through the social media platforms which we use.

Merchandise is another source of revenue, it allows us to build up and advertise our artist Savannah through the promotion on the merchandise. Merchandise for artists is extremely important, this is because the music is closely tied to an individuals identity which links with the type of things they wear. Creating merchandise such as hoodies, and perfumes allow the fans of 'Savannah' to align themselves to part of a greater subculture and identify each other as fans.

The age of digital piracy has meant that music has become, for many independent artists just like 'Savannah', an automatic loss that’s ‘given away’ to promote gigs, tours, festivals, which is why having merchandise is an essential way of generating revenue.

Effective merchandising has a significant positive impact on sales. Pricing, product display, packaging, and promotional marketing can shoot sales upwards and give the customers a memorable online shopping experience, this can be done through easy access of our website. Customers are more likely to return in the future if they find our website easy to use and well organized.

Customers are more likely to return to a brand that offers top quality products in a customer-friendly and easy-to-access setting. Offering fresh product arrangements online in appealing displays entices shoppers to return frequently, building long-term loyal customer and fan base relationships.

Below I have attached the pictures of the merchandise we are going to be stocking within the first few months of release, we will be constantly updating and adding to our lines so make sure to check out the website.


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