Hi guys, so here we are starting out the A2 course and our first task is to make a One Minute Music Video, this is our preliminary task as a practice for the real thing later on in the year. We can't just get straight This prelim task enables us to get a real feel of what it's like to lip sync to music, the variety of shots we will need and how hard the editing will be when it comes to fitting the song in with the lip syncing. I believe this will thoroughly help us when it comes to our main task. So anyway, the song we have chosen to do our one minute music video to is 'U.G.L.Y Heart' by GRL. This song fits well with our group as their our 4 of us so we can quite easily create a pop girl band look, just like the original band had created.
Hey guys! Today I am going to focus on the marketing of our company. Marketing is a very important aspect. Promotional strategies and marketing go hand in hand. Marketing our company and artists will involve different aspects of manufacturing, promoting and selling the artists and our company products to the target market. In order to benefit from audiences to the best we can, we have to first of all understand the target market we are entering. Having a solid and well-thought-out marketing plan can help you identify gaps in the music industry and provide feasible solutions for your clients. Understanding what our customers want and are missing is essential in the business. The 4 P's are the most important part in the marketing process: Product - The product is going to be our artist herself, Sav (played by Eloise) and the album/music she creates. In many ways this can be seen as not only providing a product for consumers, but also a service, Music i...
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