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Showing posts from 2016

Polaroid Practice Shots

Hey guys, so we've came up with our music video idea which is going to be including polaroid's, which means we need some serious practice with these throughout until the time of our main production. We had a first attempt just in school, we then used an app to give the images the polaroid effect, which I think worked well,especially for the first attempt. However we are still going to be exploring a variety of ways to give the effect to see which works best. This means we will be taking many more pictures in order to test what works best in order to create the best project for out A2 piece.

Company logo

We have been playing around creating some ideas for our company logo. A company logo is very important, as soon as customers view our website they will see our company logo and make an initial judgement, if our logo looks professional it is more likely to ensure that customers feel like our company is a professional one, and take our business ideas more seriously. A good company logo can also attract new customers, an effective and memorable logo can inspire customers to do business with us and remember our image if the time ever arises. Putting the best image forward first helps portray a great image on the inside. Making a logo that differentiates ourselves from other record labels is key when winning over potential clients and customers, which is why we need a logo which makes us stand out. Finally having a good logo builds trust with professionalism, having a professional looking logo tells customers that we are a strong company who is good at what we do just from the first

One Page Pitch Video

This is our One Page Pitch, where we have presented the ideas we came up with to our Media teacher 'Record company manager'  and faced many questions to see if he thought our production ideas are creative and of a good quality. By watching this you will be able to explore our ideas and get the gist of our production.

One page pitch

Music video inspirations

Hey guys, I've finally came to my decision of who to work with, after consideration of working on my own or with a group I believe that working as a group will be more beneficial for us. So it is now going to be me, Eloise and Sav, by doing this we are able to generate lots of ideas that each of us come up with and put them all together to hopefully come up with a really impressive finished project!! We worked together at AS and without the technical issues it actually worked well, so I think this time around with more experience and knowledge it should work in our favour! I'll be sure to keep you updated! So getting further into it we have currently decided the artist we are going to use is Sia, with the song being Breathe Me, which was released in 2005 with the genre being a lternative/indie. We have decided to mix things up and make the genre of our own music video indie pop, I believe this will create a large target audience for our artist 'Savannah'.  Our artist


LOL!! So our task was to take pictures against a background which we could then use Photoshop in order to create an album cover, anyway the first one we took more seriously and then we got a bit carried away with what we could actually do and started making silly pictures, either way we still got a grasp of what using photo shop is actually like and what bizarre ideas we could use for any album cover. (We have tried to get the basis of one end of the music genre scale to the other, such as Metal, Pop and then to kids music) Below I have places the images which we as a team created through Photoshop, but i would like to emphasize they aren't serious (especially the middle one lmao)!!!         Below I have placed the original pictures so you are able to see what we have achieved from original pictures vs. the Photo shopped pictures.

CD cover shots

Ok guys so we have been practicing shooting some CD cover shots, which we will then by photo shopping so we can get the real gist of what it entails to create a good CD cover. All the shots we took were on the same background, however they are all different poses, which was purposely done to represent different genres, and show how different genres present their style of music with certain iconic looks and themes. The pictures are listed below, I shall let you guess which ones go with what genre, feel free to comment lol;) On one of my next posts you will be able to see what we created using Photoshop, and you can see if you guessed the pictures to the genres correctly!

Original One Page Pitch

This one page pitch was uploaded onto a member of my groups slideshare for us to post onto our blogs, hence why if you were to click onto the actual slideshare it would say Sav's name, just to clear it up without any confusion lol.  So anyway this was our original idea before we chose our song 'breathe me by sia', which we thought would be the better option, and hopefully you will see why as our production progresses.

Cover Boy Pretty // Music Video- 1 minute music video

During the summer term at the beginning of the A2 course, our job was to create and produce a 1 minute music video, so we could learn the dynamics of what it takes in order to help us when it comes to the real thing.

Preliminary: Album cover

Our preliminary task was to create a one minute music video, and an album cover to go with. So here we have the album cover, album covers can be used to help promote a specific song, in this case 'Ugly Heart' and the band itself. As we are a girl band we went with the typical look for this category. Whilst researching into album covers many girl bands portray themselves in a similar way on their album cover, as having an image of them all promotes them and denotes to the audience the type of music they are producing within the album, which is an extremely useful promotional technique.  In terms of the back of the album cover we have made this simplistic yet eye-catching, it denotes the look we definitely wanted to achieve of bright colors representing positive vibes which girl bands create.

Preliminary: One minute music video

Hi guys, so here we are starting out the A2 course and our first task is to make a One Minute Music Video, this is our preliminary task as a practice for the real thing later on in the year. We can't just get straight This prelim task enables us to get a real feel of what it's like to lip sync to music, the variety of shots we will need and how hard the editing will be when it comes to fitting the song in with the lip syncing. I believe this will thoroughly help us when it comes to our main task. So anyway, the song we have chosen to do our one minute music video to is 'U.G.L.Y Heart' by GRL. This song fits well with our group as their our 4 of us so we can quite easily create a pop girl band look, just like the original band had created.

Preliminary storyboarding

The storyboard may just seem like an extra tedious, step in the music video process.. but it's definitely not! A storyboard is the best way to share and explain your vision, not just with any interested parties, but also with the rest of your group, as all the group members will vision how the thriller will go slightly differently, so its best to ensure people are on the same wave length.. well try too, but also to ensure other people can also understand the idea. Story boarding makes overall production a whole lot easier, as it sets up a plan for the production, including all the shots, the order and how those concepts will interact with the script. This makes the filming slightly easier as you've already planned the coverage, and it ensures specific shots relevant to each part of the song wont be forgotten, obviously the storyboard isn't set in stone so there is always room for improvement, but its just a guide to help. Below is our storyboard for our preliminary One M

Happy remake

Hiya guys! So like I said in my introductory blog post, we have now made our Happy Music video remake, we didn't have long to do this, so we had to think quickly who better for energetic characters, than to go out and film on sports day?! From this task we learnt how hard it is to place the videos in time with the music whilst editing, it proved to be much harder than expected, however we did it all within one day!! Anyway I hope you enjoy :)

Music video song ideas

Below i have attached a YouTube link for some song ideas which i have came up with for my music video production. When analysing these ideas it's important to take in every aspect of the original music video, this is so we are able to generate a video of high standard, which is different to the original. I have chosen a wide variety of songs because i find playing around with different shots and placing different ideas with parts of the music makes it easier to understand the correct path to go down in terms of the genre of music.

Year 13

Hey! I'm back, and I'm here to do Year 13, which is the A2 course!! Instead of doing a thriller, like we did for AS, this years assignment will be a music video. As scary as it seems we're going to have lots of practice, up until the summer holidays we'll be messing around learning as much as we can about the process of music videos, where we will be doing a 'Happy' (Pharrel Williams) 30 second remake, and the preliminary task, so we'll soon see how they go!! Stay tuned and see you soon :)