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Music video inspirations

Hey guys, I've finally came to my decision of who to work with, after consideration of working on my own or with a group I believe that working as a group will be more beneficial for us. So it is now going to be me, Eloise and Sav, by doing this we are able to generate lots of ideas that each of us come up with and put them all together to hopefully come up with a really impressive finished project!! We worked together at AS and without the technical issues it actually worked well, so I think this time around with more experience and knowledge it should work in our favour! I'll be sure to keep you updated!
So getting further into it we have currently decided the artist we are going to use is Sia, with the song being Breathe Me, which was released in 2005 with the genre being alternative/indie.
We have decided to mix things up and make the genre of our own music video indie pop, I believe this will create a large target audience for our artist 'Savannah'. 
Our artist is going to be a solo artist and due to this being in the pop genre works really well as it allows us to use lots of close ups of her throughout the music video.
So in terms of the ideas we have came up to include in our music video, we believe that adding polaroids into the music video will create a unique effect, we gained this idea by watching other pop artists music videos, and despite this idea not appearing in many we felt like it was unique and would work well with our artist and with combining the indie genre into the production. 
We have also thought that due to the fact that we are heavily reliant on the pop genre, that we should go for a studio effect, we are going to be looking into how much hiring a studio would cost for the day, which I believe would be very beneficial as it gives a professional feel to the music video, however if we are unable to do this we can always use the greenscreen and create our own studio look! 
Anyway there is lots to plan so i'll be off and i'll keep you updated on what we decide!


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Hey guys! Today I am going to focus on the marketing of our company. Marketing is a very important aspect. Promotional strategies and marketing go hand in hand. Marketing our company and artists will involve different aspects of manufacturing, promoting and selling the artists and our company products to the target market. In order to benefit from audiences to the best we can, we have to first of all understand the target market we are entering. Having a solid and well-thought-out marketing plan can help you identify gaps in the music industry and provide feasible solutions for your clients. Understanding what our customers want and are missing is essential in the business. The 4 P's are the most important  part in the marketing process: Product - The product is going to be our artist herself, Sav (played by Eloise) and the album/music she creates. In many ways this can be seen as not only providing a product for consumers, but also a service, Music is a psycho-physical pursu