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Company logo

We have been playing around creating some ideas for our company logo. A company logo is very important, as soon as customers view our website they will see our company logo and make an initial judgement, if our logo looks professional it is more likely to ensure that customers feel like our company is a professional one, and take our business ideas more seriously.
A good company logo can also attract new customers, an effective and memorable logo can inspire customers to do business with us and remember our image if the time ever arises. Putting the best image forward first helps portray a great image on the inside.
Making a logo that differentiates ourselves from other record labels is key when winning over potential clients and customers, which is why we need a logo which makes us stand out.
Finally having a good logo builds trust with professionalism, having a professional looking logo tells customers that we are a strong company who is good at what we do just from the first look, as we are a record label we have to be creative and ensure people have confidence with us, therefore we need a company logo with portrays this.
After playing around in Adobe Photoshop we achieved 3 looks which we are going to be testing out throughout the launch of our record label and artists to see which works best. 


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