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Music Video Shot Chart

A shot list is a full log of all the shots you want to include in the music video production; essentially it is a checklist filled with minute details that will give a sense of direction and efficiency towards the music video.
It’s essential to take into consideration the following elements when producing the shot list:
  • Artists/individuals in the shot
  • Type of shot
  • Camera movement
  • Major actions
  • Important objects
The grand purpose of the shot list is to make sure that every part of the music video is assigned a shot. We have a set criteria of what we need to film, so we create shots, interpreting the story visually with the camera.

Another process we could have gone for in this preproduction stage is the storyboard in order to direct the music video

The story board is a collection of images that showcases the angle and type of every shot, as well as which characters and objects are in the frame.
The storyboard is important because it allows the director and cinematographer to visualize the shot and agree on where the camera goes. Once we have that agreement, we can look at the storyboard in front of the group and easily visualise the overall aim of the music vide. In this sense, the storyboard is more complicated and time-consuming than the shot list.

The preproduction process we chose in the end, after careful consideration, was the shot list I have made this available for you to see below, allowing you to get the main gist of our ideas, however this shot list can be ever changing as we develop our ideas and begin seeing what works and what doesn't throughout the production process, therefore you may be surprised when you see the finished product (pleasantly I hope).


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