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Showing posts from April, 2017

The end of Salt Sisters

Hi everyone, so here goes this is the end! After two hard years of sweat and blood, the media coursework has came to an end! There is to be no more researching and planning, updating you all, editing productions we are creating,and  filming endlessly to get the correct shots because from this point on A2 media coursework is finished! You heard correctly, it's finished! I believe I have came so far since the beginning of the AS course, considering I had never edited any type of footage before, or used any software which we are lucky to have, I would say i have progressed massively and I am so pleased with myself and my team, and how we have developed over the two year period. I have worked with Sav and Eloise during both my AS and A2 productions and I believe we all bring different techniques and talents in order for us to work so well together, when looking back at AS it's hard to believe how far we have came (give our thriller another watch I dare you) within media and how

Media evaluation: Q4

This is my media evaluation Question 4 on 'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?' by clicking this  Link  it will take you to my Gliffy where you will be able to explore the technologies used to create a media product. Below is a sneak preview on how my Gliffy looks:

Media evaluation: Q1

Feedback of our final music video

I have created a table of some of the feedback which we received during our written feedback session with the whole class. A lot of the areas for improvements are the same, and mainly focus on camera work which I do agree after watching the music video back numerous times we may have benefited from a slightly wider variety of shots and ensuring all the shots were fully focused before we completed filming for the final time. However, our music video does follow the conventions of the pop genre with the shots we used so I do believe it works with the genre we achieved. In terms of the positive comments everyone seemed to like the editing techniques and effects which we used and we didn't score below a 3/5 stars which I am pleased with.

Breathe Me- Final piece

We have finally finished our music video, which as you know we did to 'Breathe Me' by Sia, however Savannah our artist recreated it. The SaltSisters worked hard along with Savannah to achieve the look she wanted. The genre we went for was a combination of pop and indie, which I believe combined and worked well in the music video. I am going to upload the video for you all to see, so feel free to comment and give us any feedback, as audience feedback is key to growing and improving in this industry! As always the products never turn out as you picture them in your head, things go wrong, some things work better than others and you generate new ideas and play with different effects along the way. The shot list doesn't look extremely accurate now, however sticking to the original plan completely would be boring and we wouldn't have created the music video we have today if that was the case.We have conducted this task to the best of our ability and believe we have came ou