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The end of Salt Sisters

Hi everyone, so here goes this is the end! After two hard years of sweat and blood, the media coursework has came to an end! There is to be no more researching and planning, updating you all, editing productions we are creating,and  filming endlessly to get the correct shots because from this point on A2 media coursework is finished! You heard correctly, it's finished!
I believe I have came so far since the beginning of the AS course, considering I had never edited any type of footage before, or used any software which we are lucky to have, I would say i have progressed massively and I am so pleased with myself and my team, and how we have developed over the two year period.

I have worked with Sav and Eloise during both my AS and A2 productions and I believe we all bring different techniques and talents in order for us to work so well together, when looking back at AS it's hard to believe how far we have came (give our thriller another watch I dare you) within media and how much better we understand the changing media and how to cater for an audience using our products.

I feel the skills and knowledge which I have developed on this course will constantly improve and help me understand the media industry. The research and work I have put in has clearly pad off as I have completely transformed from someone who had never used an editing software in her life, to someone who can sit comfortably and edit a whole piece of footage to a high standard with no worries! Who expected that?

I believe the overall production of 'Breathe Me' was a strong success and really presented how much time and effort we all put into the music video! I am so pleased with myself and my team and we have achieved a great deal over the past two years

Thank you all for staying with me these past two years and I thoroughly hope you've all enjoyed my journey had much as I have, no doubt i'll see you in the future :)


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